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eXtreme File Hosting v1.5

  • 源码作者:佚名
  • 源码大小:40.15 MB
  • 源码类别:CGI源码
  • 源码格式:完整源码
  • 发布时间:May 24, 2010 6:02:00 PM
  • 源码级别:
  • 下载总计:月:18 总:677


eXtreme File Hosting is the perfect upload script for you to run a multi file hosting site, providing free hosting service to the public Internet users with the least amount of programming and web server knowledge. This script mainly provides ZIP file hosting, video file hosting, flash movie hosting, audio hosting and photo hosting. It runs in PHP with mySQL database. Read more the following to get a deeper understanding of all the features eXtreme File Hosting has and you will fell in love with it! Full Features (version 1.5): Maximum file Size (ZIP, VIDEO, AUDIO, PHOTO, FLASH) limit. Multi images uploading Video/Audio leeching protection, no direct download access Download video, audio checkbox RAR file uploading Download delays management. Files leeching protection, no direct download access. Control number of files allowed to download in an interval. Photo extension management. Different HTML codes generated for photos to be embedded on webpage, forum, myspace, etc. Maximum characters for description. Browsing videos, zip files audios and photos uploaded. Send video, photo, audio, zip file to friends. Download and removal link mail to uploader. Tell a friend for file, video, audio and photo. Editable email templates. Top 10 most downloaded files listing. Last 24 hours bandwidth flow indicator. Easy file, video, audio and photo pruning script. Different HTML codes generated for external linking (forum, mySpace, blog, etc) Search engine friendly design HTML editable templates, easy to put ads on anywhere
下一源码: 蓝雨留言板


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