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ASPseek 1.2.10 released

  • 源码作者:佚名
  • 源码大小:73.59 MB
  • 源码类别:CGI源码
  • 源码格式:完整源码
  • 发布时间:May 29, 2010 1:38:00 AM
  • 源码级别:
  • 下载总计:月:14 总:921


ASPSeek是一个C++编写的互联网搜索引擎,并使用了STL库。它主要包括一个检索机器人,一个搜索守护程序,和一个搜索前端(CGI或者是Apache模块)。它大概可以检索几百万个URLs,来查找给定的短语和单词,并使用通配符,进行布尔搜索。搜索结果可以限定在给定的时间或站点,站点空间,并按照相关性或者时间进行排序(这里面使用了一些非常酷的技术)。ASPSeek可以应用于很多语言和编码中(甚至包括多字节语言如中文)。它为多个站点做了优化。(多线程检索,同步DNS查询, 按站点将结果分组, Web集合等),同时它也可以用于单个站点的搜索。其他特性包括支持stopwords和ispell, 字符集和语言的预测, 搜索结果的HTML模板,引用和查询词高亮度显示。并且它有详细的文档可以利用。

ASPseek is an Internet search engine software developed by SWsoft and licensed as free software under GNU GPL.

ASPseek consists of an indexing robot, a search daemon, and a CGI search frontend. It can index as many as a few million URLs and search for words and phrases, use wildcards, and do a Boolean search. Search results can be limited to time period given, site or Web space (set of sites) and sorted by relevance (PageRank is used) or date.

ASPseek is optimized for multiple sites (threaded index, async DNS lookups, grouping results by site, Web spaces), but can be used for searching one site as well. ASPseek can work with multiple languages/encodings at once (including multibyte encodings such as Chinese) due to Unicode storage mode. Other features include stopwords and ispell support, a charset and language guesser, HTML templates for search results, excerpts, and query words highlighting.

ASPseek is written in C++ using the STL library, and uses mix of SQL database and binary files for storage.

Read this to know more about ASPseek features.



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