Fixes for 2.11.8.x:
- patch #1987593 [interface] Table list pagination in navi
- bug #1989081 [profiling] Profiling causes query to be executed again
(really causes a problem in case of INSERT/UPDATE)
- bug #1990342 [import] SQL file import very slow on Windows
- bug [XHTML] problem with tabindex and radio fields
- bug #1971221 [interface] tabindex not set correctly
- bug [views] VIEW name created via the GUI was not protected
with backquotes
- bug #1989813 [interface] Deleting multiple views (space in name)
- bug #1992628 [parser] SQL parser removes essential space
- bug #1989281 [export] CSV for MS Excel incorrect escaping of
double quotes
- bug #1959855 [interface] Font size option problem when no
config file
- bug #1982489 [relation] Relationship view should check for changes
- bug [history] Do not save too big queries in history
- [security] Do not show version info on login screen
- bug #2018595 [import] Potential data loss on import resubmit
- patch #2020630 [export] Safari and timedate
- bug #2022182 [import, export] Import/Export fails because of
Mac files
- [security] protection against cross-frame scripting and
new directive AllowThirdPartyFraming
- [security] possible XSS during setup
- [interface] revert language changing problem introduced
- ( small fix for notice about "lang"
非常好 2009-11-22